SGA Application and Requirements
Information about Officer & Senator Positions, Applications, and Elections
Elections will be held Monday, March 28 – Wednesday, April 6, 2022.
Individuals may not begin campaigning UNTIL they receive written correspondence from Student Experience confirming receipt of the application and verifying eligibility.
- The start date for campaigning is Monday, April 11. Absolutely no campaigning shall be permitted before this date. Candidates planning on speaking to student groups throughout the campaign are permitted to arrange appointments prior to the start of campaigning.
- Campaigning shall be considered the display and distribution of posters, flyers, banners, chalking, and other visual displays of candidacy, as well as speaking to any university group or organization.
- No political affiliation may appear on signs or literature except the listing of offices held in political organizations.
- Candidates may not use amplifying devices. Signs may only be posted on university bulletin boards as approved by the building supervisor for each given facility. Unauthorized postings will be removed and the candidate subject to disciplinary action. ALL publicity materials (flyers, posters, etc.) must receive stamped approval from the Office of Student Experience.
- Candidates are prohibited from engaging in the solicitation of a vote in return for which compensation, financial or otherwise is granted, promised, suggested or implied.
- Negative campaigning, including false or defamatory statements or malicious action is prohibited.
- SGA will contribute up to $30 towards your campaign printing expenses at the HPU Mailroom. Candidates are responsible for all other campaign expenses.
- Candidates are responsible for being aware of any rules and regulations regarding any type of election activities in the Student Handbook. Candidates in violation of any part of the Student Handbook may be disciplined by the University as well as face possible penalties by the SGA Supreme Court.
- Joint campaigning is permitted. Candidates for Class Senators may campaign together and may produce joint campaign materials. Executive Officer candidates may also campaign together on a joint ticket. Joint candidates may share expense accounts.
- Write-in candidates will not be considered for SGA positions
Additional Application Materials:
Recommendation Letters
If you are running for an executive office (President, Vice President or Treasurer), you need to submit at least three letters of recommendation. The recommendations can be from faculty, staff, or advisors of organizations in which you are involved.
If you are running for a class senator position (presiding senator or senator), you need to submit one letter of recommendation.
Recommendations can be emailed to the Office of Student Experience at
You need to submit a picture of yourself that can be featured on the online voting site. Pictures should be sent to the Office of Student Experience at
Applications, recommendations, and pictures are due to Student Experience on Wednesday, April 6 by 5:00 p.m.
Please contact Student Experience for more information at 325-649-8017 or
All SGA officers and senators must have and maintain a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A., be in good academic and conduct standing with the University, and be making satisfactory progress toward a degree.
- Must maintain a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA.
- Must have completed correct number of academic credit hours for the class you are representing.
- Freshman senators: 0-29 credit hours
- Sophomore senators: 30-59 credit hours
- Junior senators: 60-89 credit hours
- Senior senators: 90+ credits hours
- Win by majority vote.
- Only class members may elect class senators.
President Responsibilities:
- Be an official spokesperson and representative of the HPU Student Body.
- Preside at all meetings of the SGA according to Robert’s Rules of Order,
- Recommend such measures to the SGA as shall be judged expedient.
- Appoint any committee or other officers not provided for in the Constitution with the majority approval of the SGA.
- Have the power to recommend the dismissal of any committee member.
- Fill vacancies occurring in appointed positions by the criteria set forth in this Constitution.
- Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
- Have the power to call special meetings.
- Be an ex official member of the SGA committees.
- Appoint student representatives to University committees and SGA committees.
- Appoint the Secretary and Chaplain with the approval of the SGA.
- Prepare the agenda prior to each SGA meeting.
- Be responsible for the use of various media platforms (including but not limited to social media, short videos, etc.) to communicate to the student body regarding the process and activities of SGA.
- Review, at the beginning of each academic year, the electronic HPU SGA History Document with all SGA officers in order to re-evaluate certain policies and improvement ideas.
Vice President Responsibilities:
- Perform the duties of the President upon the temporary or permanent absence or disability of that officer.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Assist the President in coordinating all the facets of the SGA.
- Act as the SGA Parliamentarian.
- Serve as coordinator for all activities of the First Year Class until election of class senators.
- Assist the President with the use of social media for communication to the student body.
Treasurer Responsibilities:
- Keep accurate and complete records of all receipts and expenditures of the SGA in conjunction with the University Business Office and SGA Advisor.
- Make a weekly report of all receipts and expenditures at the regular meetings of the SGA.
- Coordinate all fundraising.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
Presiding Senator Responsibilities:
- Be an official spokesperson and representative of his/her constituent class.
- Hold meetings with his/her fellow class senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed
- Maintain records including minutes from class meetings and reports from class accounts.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.
Class Senator Responsibilities:
- Meet with their fellow senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.
- In the event of temporary absence or disability of the class senator, select a senator to perform the duties of that office.
Graduate Student Senator Responsibilities:
- Be an official spokesperson and representative of the graduate programs.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
The description of responsibilities for Secretary and Chaplain are included in the SGA Constitution. Secretary and Chaplain are positions appointed by the SGA President.
Elections will be held Wednesday, September 8 – Friday, September 10, 2021.
Individuals may not begin campaigning UNTIL they receive written correspondence from Student Life confirming receipt of the application and verifying eligibility.
- The start date for campaigning is Monday, September 6. Absolutely no campaigning shall be permitted before this date. Candidates planning on speaking to student groups throughout the campaign are permitted to arrange appointments prior to the start of campaigning.
- Campaigning shall be considered the display and distribution of posters, flyers, banners, chalking, and other visual displays of candidacy, as well as speaking to any university group or organization.
- No political affiliation may appear on signs or literature except the listing of offices held in political organizations.
- Candidates may not use amplifying devices. Signs may only be posted on university bulletin boards as approved by the building supervisor for each given facility. Unauthorized postings will be removed and the candidate subject to disciplinary action. ALL publicity materials (flyers, posters, etc.) must receive stamped approval from the Office of Student Life.
- Candidates are prohibited from engaging in the solicitation of a vote in return for which compensation, financial or otherwise is granted, promised, suggested or implied.
- Negative campaigning, including false or defamatory statements or malicious action is prohibited.
- Campaign spending limits shall be set at three hundred (300) dollars for each Executive Officer candidate and one hundred (100) dollars for each Class Senator candidate. A spending report must be submitted to the SGA advisor one week after the election results are announced.
- Money may be solicited for campaign expenditures only. Contributions are limited to fifty (50) dollars. Contributions may be solicited from individuals or organizations. Expense reports shall include direct and in-kind donations from individuals or organizations.
- Candidates are responsible for being aware of any rules and regulations regarding any type of election activities in the Student Handbook. Candidates in violation of any part of the Student Handbook may be disciplined by the University as well as face possible penalties by the SGA Supreme Court.
- Joint campaigning is permitted. Candidates for Class Senators may campaign together and may produce joint campaign materials. Executive Officer candidates may also campaign together on a joint ticket. Joint candidates may share expense accounts.
- Write-in candidates will not be considered for SGA positions.
Additional Application Materials:
Recommendation Letters
If you are running for an executive office (treasurer), you need to submit at least three letters of recommendation. The recommendations can be from faculty, staff, or advisors of organizations in which you are involved.
If you are running for a class senator position (presiding senator or senator), you need to submit one letter of recommendation.
Note: If you currently serve as an officer or senator, you do not need to submit any letters of recommendation.
Recommendations can be emailed to the Office of Student Life at
You need to submit a picture of yourself that can be featured on the online voting site. Pictures should be sent to the Office of Student Life at
Applications, recommendations, and pictures are due to Student Life on Monday, September 6 by 5:00 p.m.
Please contact Student Life for more information at 325-649-8017 or
All SGA officers and senators must have and maintain a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A., be in good academic and conduct standing with the University, and be making satisfactory progress toward a degree.
- Must maintain a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA.
- Must have completed correct number of academic credit hours for the class you are representing.
- Freshman senators: 0-29 credit hours
- Sophomore senators: 30-59 credit hours
- Junior senators: 60-89 credit hours
- Senior senators: 90+ credits hours
- Win by majority vote.
- Only class members may elect class senators.
President Responsibilities:
- Be an official spokesperson and representative of the HPU Student Body.
- Preside at all meetings of the SGA according to Robert’s Rules of Order,
- Recommend such measures to the SGA as shall be judged expedient.
- Appoint any committee or other officers not provided for in the Constitution with the majority approval of the SGA.
- Have the power to recommend the dismissal of any committee member.
- Fill vacancies occurring in appointed positions by the criteria set forth in this Constitution.
- Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
- Have the power to call special meetings.
- Be an ex official member of the SGA committees.
- Appoint student representatives to University committees and SGA committees.
- Appoint the Secretary and Chaplain with the approval of the SGA.
- Prepare the agenda prior to each SGA meeting.
- Be responsible for the use of various media platforms (including but not limited to social media, short videos, etc.) to communicate to the student body regarding the process and activities of SGA.
- Review, at the beginning of each academic year, the electronic HPU SGA History Document with all SGA officers in order to re-evaluate certain policies and improvement ideas.
Vice President Responsibilities:
- Perform the duties of the President upon the temporary or permanent absence or disability of that officer.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Assist the President in coordinating all the facets of the SGA.
- Act as the SGA Parliamentarian.
- Serve as coordinator for all activities of the First Year Class until election of class senators.
- Assist the President with the use of social media for communication to the student body.
Treasurer Responsibilities:
- Keep accurate and complete records of all receipts and expenditures of the SGA in conjunction with the University Business Office and SGA Advisor.
- Make a weekly report of all receipts and expenditures at the regular meetings of the SGA.
- Coordinate all fundraising.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
Presiding Senator Responsibilities:
- Be an official spokesperson and representative of his/her constituent class.
- Hold meetings with his/her fellow class senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed
- Maintain records including minutes from class meetings and reports from class accounts.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.
Class Senator Responsibilities:
- Meet with their fellow senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.
- In the event of temporary absence or disability of the class senator, select a senator to perform the duties of that office.
Graduate Student Senator Responsibilities:
- Be an official spokesperson and representative of the graduate programs.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
The description of responsibilities for Secretary and Chaplain are included in the SGA Constitution. Secretary and Chaplain are positions appointed by the SGA President.